Gustavo Gerardo Fernandez Sosa
Electrical Industrial Engineer
Independent Consultant Advisor.
Date of birth: January 25, 1955.
Nationality: Uruguayan - Spanish
Mobile: (+598) 99 61 99 24;
Office phone/fax: (+598) 26 19 64 90

Main Activities of Independent Advisor:
July 2019 to present
Advisor to the firm YNEL LTDA in local control, remote control, protection, measurement, safety and fire protection projects for UTE transformation stations.
December 2013 to 2019
Advisor to the Spanish consulting firm Berenguer Ingenieros for the executive project of electrical installations, medium and low voltage power, control and weak voltages of the new ANP pier C in the Port of Montevideo and its expansion.
December 2013 to March 2014
Advisor to the firm BERKES SA in the executive project and detailed engineering of 4 internal substations of 31.5/0.4kV and internal underground distribution network of 31.5kV for the ALUR Ethanol Processing Plant in Paysandú.
January 2011
Advisor to the firm CSI Ingenieros in the electrical and lighting conditioning project of the Port of Paysandú for unloading/loading of fuels and unloading/loading of ANCAP bulk solids.
2010 to 2013
Advisor to the firm STILER SA in electrical projects for Wind Generation Parks, including:
Electrical power, control, protection and measurement systems for low, medium and high voltage installations.
Data transmission systems, voice, alarms, images.
Protection systems against atmospheric discharges.
May 1991 to present
Advisor to the consulting company HOSPITEC SRL in projects and construction management of industrial, commercial, tertiary and hospital facilities for:
Electrical power, control and measurement systems for low, medium and high voltage installations.
Data transmission systems, voice, alarms, images.
Protection systems against atmospheric discharges.
advisor to various Engineering and Architecture Studies, in projects and construction management of:
Electrical power, control and measurement systems for low, medium and high voltage installations.
Data transmission systems, voice, alarms, images.
Protection systems against atmospheric discharges.
2009 to present
adviser of the ANEP Infrastructure Sector Directorate, in projects and construction management of electrical installations, telephony, data, security systems and protections against atmospheric discharges, of primary, secondary and tertiary education centers throughout the country.
2006 to present
program advisor MEMFOD/PAEMFE and MECAEP/PAEPU and of theDSI ANEP, in projects and construction management of electrical installations, telephony, data, security systems and protection against atmospheric discharges, de primary, secondary and tertiary education centers throughout the country.
May 1991 to September 1997
company advisor STAFF SC Consultants of Montevideo, Uruguay, in projects and direction of private works of industrial, commercial and tertiary facilities, of
Electrical power, control and measurement systems for low, medium and high voltage installations.
Data transmission systems, voice, alarms, images.
Protection systems against atmospheric discharges.
Independent Consultant Activities
August 2019 – June 2020
Advisor to the firm SIGLA Consultora de Energía, for Consulting Services provided to the Jamaican Public Services Regulator (OUR), on AMI projects, Smart Street Lighting, Smart Grids, Remote Control and Protection of Distribution networks, in development by the Jamaica Public Service (JPS).
October 2007 – September 2010
Specialist consultant hired by the autonomous public company Electricité d'Haiti (EDH) within the framework of the joint project PREPSEL / Haiti, financed by the World Bank, to provide technical assistance in the preparation of documents for the acquisition of an AMI, for measurement and remote management of large consumer customers.
July 2007 – August 2008
Specialist consultant within the project team to improve the management of CADAFE (Venezuelan public electricity company) in Caracas and other cities. Organization of the Project for the installation of a SCADA and Remote Control system for the operation of medium voltage and high voltage Distribution networks in several States.
March 2008 – June 2009
Consulting Services for the Presidential Commission for Modernization of the State of the Government of Honduras for: - the "preparation of the Tender Documents and technical study of offers, for the acquisition of 70,000 meters for remote measurement and control of large consumers throughout the country." - The "preparation of the Tender Documents and technical study of offers, for the acquisition of the Planning and Management Systems of Corporate Resources, Commercial System, DMS System and Advanced Metering for the National Electric Power Company (ENEE)"
Academic training
University Degree
Industrial Engineer Electrical option obtained from the Faculty of Engineering and Surveying of the UDELAR of Uruguay
Specialization courses
Cyber security in industrial data networks of digital transformation stations designed according to the IEC 61850 Standard. Duration 24 hours. UTE Training Center, June 2016.
Design and Operation of Data Centers– Electrical Power Installations and Data Networks Module Y Thermal, Security and Fire Conditioning Module. Duration 14 hours. Centro de Electro Magazine Training, December 2013.
SEN 2013 (Smart Energy Networking 2013)- Developed in Seoul and Jeju Island, Korea. Seminar and Courses on Renewable Energies and SMART GRID. Invited by the firm TAHIAN and the Government of Korea. As a guest attendee. July 2013. 10 Thematic modules with a total duration of 80 hours:
1.- Smart Grid Initiative in Korea. - Son Jong Cheon, Korea Smart Grid Institute.
2.- Smart Grid Infrastructure in Korea - Yong Tae (Philip) Yoon, Electric Power Network Economics
Department of Electrical Engineering Seoul National University.
3.- Smart Grid Demonstration on Jeju (Focused on Smart Transportation - Jin-Young, CHOI
Director ESS Business Development, SK Innovation.
4.- Smart Electricity Service for Jeju Smart Grid Test-bed. Kepko.
5.- New & Renewable Energy, A Key to Green Growth – Kyung-Jin Boo, Seoul National University.
6.- An Overview of Wind Energy Industries - KP Hwang, Korea Wind Energy Industry Association
7.- Market Trends and Overview for Solar Cells as Green Devices - Hae-Seok Lee, Korea University.
8.- Fuel Cells: core technology for hydrogen economy - Prof. Hansung Kim, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of Yonsei University.
9.- Bioenergy – R&D and Korea Government Policy - KETEP Bio/Waste energy PD (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning).
10.- AMI Use Cases in Korea - AMI in Smart Grid Jeju Testbed – Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea.
Webseminar (virtual) Implementation of Smart Grids, effects on the expansion of transmission and Generation (demand approach) . Duration 25 hours from April to May 2012. Ing. Marin Hunziker de la Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
Risk Management and Risk Management Systems Auditor. - UTE Training Center, year 2011.. Quality Austria – Latu. Eng. Jorge Arismendi. Duration 40 hours
Project management PMP, PMI. CAPM. - UTE Training Center. Year 2009. Duration 91 hours.
Prevention, diagnosis and management of conflicts in technological change projects. CMI International Group, LLC. UTE Training Center. Year 2006. Duration: 16 hours.
Energy Conservation: Energy efficiency of facilities and equipment. Faculty of Engineering (UDELAR). September to November 2005. Duration 24 hours.
Networks with TCP/IP protocol. Ing. Gerardo Cerecetto.- UTE Training Center. September / October 2005.- 32 hours.
Adjustment, parameterization and operation of the MerlínGerin Telecontrol, Telemetering and fault detection Interface Units Talus 200I and Talus 200P. Sorhodel Industrial Plant de Beynost – France. June 2005 hours.
Adjustment, parameterization and operation of the Protection and Control Devices and their Local SCADA System of the Team Arteche firm. UTE Training Center. Year 2005. Duration 32 hours.
TSX NANO – Introduction to PLC programming. Schneider Electric Uruguay SA May 16 and 17, 2002. Duration 16 hours.
ISO 9001 Standard. UTE Training Center. year 2002 – Duration 16 hours.
Training talk “Reactive power compensation in the presence of harmonics”. Schneider Electric Uruguay SA BROU Conference Room. June 28, 2001. Duration 8 hours
Principles of design and operation of Medium Voltage Capacitive Insulators. Ing. Diego H. Ivrea Epoxiformas Argentina. UTE Training Center. Year 2000. Duration 16 hours
SAP Operation – R3. UTE Training Center. Year 1999.
Safety Standards for works, operation and maintenance of stations and substations. UTE Training Center. October 1999. 16 hours
Course on Calibration and Operation of Passage Fault Detection Devices. Ing. Bruno Blotas. SOULE BARDIN from France. UTE Training Center. Year 1998 .16 hours
Microsoft project. School of Informatics. Montevideo. Year 1997 Duration 48 hours
Teams and Companies. EDF. UTE UTE Training Center. Year 1996. Duration 16 hours.
Operation and Parameterization of the SIEMENS Sinaut Spectrum SCADA System. Leonardo Costa (UNION FENOSA). UTE Training Center. November 1996 – 40 hours.
Quality of Service in Electrical Distribution Systems. Eng. Jorge Coelho (Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil). UTE Training Center. June 1993 – Duration 24 hours
Ventricular fibrillation of the Heart due to electric shocks: Geraldo Kinderman (Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil). UTE Training Center. March 1993 – Duration 4 hours.
Design and Calculation of Grounding Systems and Protection Against Atmospheric Discharges. Geraldo Kinderman (Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil). UTE Training Center. March 1993 – Duration 16 hours
Seminars and Congresses
I CIER SYMPOSIUM "SMART GRIDS AND CITIES" at Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza, Montevideo - Uruguay- August 21, 22 and 23, 2019 as a teacher of the Smart Grid Tutorial Course.
IV Latin American Congress of Wind Energy - Latam Wind Power at the LATU Convention Center, Montevideo - Uruguay, June 4 and 5, 2018.
International Fair and Seminar "DISTRIBUTECH" at the San Diego Convention Center, California - United States. February 3 to 6, 2015.
International Seminar of the Central American and Caribbean Section of CIER (CECACIER), as a teacher of the 6-hour SMART GRID mini-course. Santo Domingo Dominican Republic. 8 to September 11, 2014.
"Industry Companies Meeting" and "Oracle Utilities Customer Advisory Executive Event" held in Boston from 03/25/2014 to 03/28/2014, as a guest.
SMART GRID CONFERENCE (CIGRE SESSION 2010). Paris – France, August 22 to 27, 2010. As an assistant.
SMART GRID conference. CEMIG – BRACIER, September 26 to 29, 2009, Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil. As an assistant.
CIDEL 2006, Buenos Aires – Argentina, November 27, 28 and 29, 2006.
Co-author of the Technical Work "The protection relay as a field element integrating functions in Transformation Substations of UTE - Distribution, As an exhibitor.
6th Meeting of Power, Instrumentation and Measurements. ANTEL Communications Tower Convention Center. - Montevideo, Uruguay. Co-author of the Technical Work "The protection relay as a field element integrating functions in Transformation Substations of UTE - Distribution. November 2005. Duration 16 hours. As an assistant.
15th Latin American Congress of Architecture and Engineering, Hospital; 8th MERCOSUR Meeting; 11th Exhibition, Health 2004. Buenos Aires – Argentina. Author of technical work: "PLC the new technology for voice and data transmission in power networks". October 5 to 8, 2004.- Duration 32 hours. In the character of the Lecturer.
IV CIERTEC International Seminar on Automation of Electric Power Distribution Networks and Control Centers. Sao Paulo – Brazil. - Co-author of the technical work "Implementation of remote control, telemetry, voice transmission, video surveillance and data transmission systems, through an IP communications network that uses rings of fiber optic cables installed together with the underground cables of a medium voltage network”. September 24 to 27, 2002. Duration 24 hours. As an exhibitor.
Technological week seminar of AENTEC (Spanish Association of New Technologies). “New Telecontrol and Telecommunications Technologies” Madrid – Spain, July 2001. Duration 40 hours. As a guest.
Launch Seminar of new protection and control products for Electric Power Distribution Systems of the firm ABB. Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 31, 2000. Duration 8 hours. As a guest.
CIER International Seminar "Automation and Geoprocessing". Hotel Conrad Punta del Este, Uruguay. Year 1999. Duration 20 hours. As a lecturer.
International Seminar on Automation and Remote Control of Substations and Power Plants. Pontifical University of Santiago – Chile Year 1999 – Duration 24 hours. As an assistant.
National Engineering Meeting. Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel. Montevideo – Uruguay May 7 to 10, 1997. Duration 32 hours In the capacity of assistant.
Meeting of the IEEE Montevideo - Uruguay Training Center of UTE. Co-author of the work "Experiences of the implementation of a SCADA System for Distribution substations of Montevideo" April 1995 - Duration 8 hours. As an exhibitor.